Projects in the Works
Future additions to the 28th Wisconsin Website
There is still a lot of work to be done for the 28th Wisconsin web page, but then, most Web pages seem to be always "under construction". From time to time we will add material, collected from my research efforts as well as material generously submitted by others. Someday we plan to put all of this 28th Wisconsin information together in a regimental history book, but there is no timeline in place for that project. Meanwhile, here are some of the new pages we have been working on:
Fort Pemberton Today
The Confederates created a simple yet highly effective defensive work to stop the Federal advance during the Yazoo Pass Expedition. Constructed in great haste from cotton bales and earth, the fort sheltered several artillery batteries whose superior marksmanship kept the Union flotilla at bay until forced to retreat. Though the cotton bales were eventually removed, the remains of the fort are still clearly visible today. Numerous recent photographs and written material have been sent in by Henry McCabe, a resident of Greenwood, Mississippi who contacted me after reading about the Yazoo Pass Expedition on the 28th Wisconsin web page.
Company Rosters
Some company rosters are posted but there are a few more remaining. Aside from all the typing involved, we still need to gather quite a bit of this information from the state archives. Ultimately all company rosters will be transcribed and posted.
Brig. General Frederick Salomon
After Gen. Salomon's descendants read the 28th Wisconsin web page, they very kindly and generously sent me a very large packet of information on the life of the General. A little of it already appears on the 28th Wisconsin page as a report on the Battle of Helena and a brigade casualty list after the battle. While Frederick Salomon wasn't a member of the 28th Regiment, the 28th was for a time one of the regiments under his command, and therefore I will try to commemorate his service on a web page.